Introduction to Linguistics
UG elective course in linguistics, gives a broad overview of basic concepts in the fields of morphology, phonology, syntax, pragmatics, sociolinguistic methods, conversation analysis, historical linguistics, and cognitive linguistics.
Research Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences (co-instructor)
PG course, MASC core requirement. Covers basic topics in quanitative and qualitiative research methdology. The course includes ethnographic methods such as participant observation, interviews, focus groups, historical and archival research methods, scale development, measurement, confounding, counterfactual causal theory, etc. Also discussed are reflexivity and research ethics.
Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
PG elective course. Introduces students to the study of linguistic anthropology. Topics include differences between “language” and “speech” communities; caste, race, ethnicity, and gender; semiotics and ideology; language socialization; conversation analysis; language and thought; language and globalization; and the study of endangered languages.
Perspectives in Anthropology and Sociology (co-instructor)
PG course, MASC core requirement.
Provides students with an introduction into dominant theoretical trends and conceptual frameworks in the fields of anthropology and sociology. In Anthropology, topics include the study of structural-functionalism, structuralism, practice theory, kinship, sensory anthropology, and the anthropology of states and citizenship. The sociological portion focuses on the question of structural inequality in relation to social institutions and social representation.